July 2024 Newsletter

July 2024 Newsletter

With the shortest day behind us, the longer days ahead will give us a chance to enjoy the outdoors, even if there’s still a need to rug up. Life Goes on2023-24 provided another year of strong returns for investors with key themes:- Lower inflation globally : monetary...
2024 July : Flight Path to Success

2024 July : Flight Path to Success

In the journey of achieving your financial and lifestyle goals, think of your personal financial strategy as the flight plan guiding us to your desired destination. Over the past year, we’ve navigated through varying market conditions, achieving solid results for the...
New increased super contribution caps

New increased super contribution caps

As the end of financial year gets closer, some investors are thinking about the most effective ways to boost their super balance, particularly with an increase in the caps on contributions from 1 July. The concessional contributions cap, which is the maximum in...
Destinations to fire up your passions

Destinations to fire up your passions

The world is an amazing place, with so much to see and do. In fact, sometimes it can feel as though there is so much to experience it can be quite a challenge selecting a destination, but if you follow your heart and explore your passions when planning a trip you...