The more we can do to get our financial house in order and be financially well organised, the more we can reduce financial stress, promote financial wellbeing and increase our chance for a happy, healthy and productive life.

Our goal is to help all clients achieve a meaningful life beyond their basic needs, whether that is spending more or leaving a legacy in the future.

We have created spending policies (monitored overtime) to help you use your money whilst you are still able bodied, on experiences, to help family or make a difference beyond your lifetime.

We would be pleased to discuss this in more detail with you or your friends and family.

As a client of EWK PWM, you have a plan, process and SYSTEM supported by SPECIALISTS to give you the best chance of achieving your goals and investment outcomes.

Helping you to

  • Structure & maintain a diversified portfolio.
    No one can predict the winner in the short-term with any accuracy, but we can project long term returns with greater accuracy and protect and position you with well diversified investments to achieve a solid long term investment outcome. We help you to stay to your long term strategy and meet your goals
  • Act strategically to take all current or new opportunities that the government allows and encourages via legislation – in tax , social security and all areas that have an impact on your financial well being and those important to you. You don’t have to be an expert but you will benefit if expertise and excellent is applied to your financial resources.
  • Be aware of your goals, needs, spending patterns.
    You can choose calm over anxiety, take considered action in place of panic, to help you to make smart choices with both your money and your life.
  • No matter what happens in the future, there is a basis for what you have done in the past and a methodology in place to apply to the future. “Know where you are today and know where you are going”

Our goal is to help you achieve balance and perspective to achieve your goals, enhance your financial wellbeing and enjoy a fulfilled life.

Please feel free to share this newsletter and thoughts with anyone who may be concerned about their financial wellbeing and direction. We welcome your recommendations to friends, family and colleagues who may benefit from our help.

Disclaimer: This information, does not guarantee the accuracy of completeness of the information and we cannot guarantee any particular outcome of future performance. It is not financial advice and should not be relied on as such. Any advice in this document is general advice only and does not take into account the individual circumstances of any particular person. The past is not indicative of future returns. Investors should seek assistance from a suitably qualified adviser to consider their target investment horizon, their individual financial and tax position, objectives and needs, before they make investment decisions.